Why would you have a blog all about yourself?

"Boy, what an ego that guy must have to create a blog all about himself, named for himself, with nothing but posts about him!"

Well, sort of. The fact is, I've got a dozen blogs and several websites, and am featured prominently on the websites of others. I figured that this blog could serve as a "central clearing house," or portal from which you can access my entire web presence.

If you search for "Craig Silberman" on Google, I pretty much dominate the front page. For the sake of amusement, my goal is to push the other Craig Silbermans off the front page. Sort of "narcissism as a hobby."

Goofing around

My small business site was lacking in photos.  Rather than look for stock pics to use, I figured "I'm a photographer.  Why don't I take my own?"

One Sunday morning I put on a white shirt and tie, and took these.

Rock Star!

If Hendrix were an accountant...

Dueling Calculators

Juggling the workload